9th EPRN Annual Research Conference

Dates : 08th-09th June 2023
Venue : Lemigo Hotel, Kigali-, Rwanda
Theme : Boosting Economic resilience to economic shocks
1. Introduction
Beyond gloomy short-term perspectives, the world economy is undergoing several fundamental changes affecting the longer term : geopolitical tensions ; rising interest rates, supply-chains vulnerabilities ; the acceleration of the digital economy ; increasing risk of global pandemics ; increases in energy, transport, and food prices ; deepening of environmental regulations and climate change concerns ; and the ensuing production relocations and changing international trade flows. In addition, most countries have seen rising income inequality in the past decade, and many are facing risks of rising poverty due to some of these developments. According to the World Banks’s 19th edition of the Rwanda Economic Update Rwanda’s GDP growth is projected at 6% for 2022, after having reached 11% in 2021.
Rwanda’s Vision 2050 sets out the country’s long-term development objectives : moving toward zero poverty and becoming an upper-middle income country by 2035, and high-income country by 2050, achieving this through high savings and investment and structural transformation to a knowledge-based economy. To achieve this Vision’s targets, Rwanda needs to transform the structure of its economy to respond to current challenges imposed by technological progress and climate change. Furthermore, Rwanda has to overcome the limits of its small domestic market and landlocked position and find its place in global and regional value chains.
2. About the 9th Economic Research Conference
The Economic Policy Research Network and partners are organizing a 9th Economic Research Conference under the following theme : “Boosting Economic resilience to economic shocks”.
This theme is subdivided into the following sub-themes to which Papers should be aligned :
•Regional integration and trade
•Sustainable Agriculture, Enhanced Food systems and decent nutrition
•Effective Tax Policies to stimulate investments and long term growth
•Enhanced Human Capital development for sustainable development
•Green economy and climate change resilience
This high-level interactive 2-days research conference is expected to convene more than 200 participants, including researchers, senior policymakers, representatives of the development partners, civil society, private sector and the media. During the conference, research papers and reports related to conference sub-themes will be presented and discussed. Policy recommendations will be formulated and shared with concerned institutors as a contribution towards boosting Rwanda’s economic resilience during the current socio-economic shocks.
3. Venue, Dates and Logistics
The 9th Research conference is scheduled on 08th and 09th May 2029. The venue is Lemigo Hotel, Kigali-Rwanda. Lunches will be served to all participants at the conference venue and catered for by EPRN. EPRN will not cover accommodation and transport of participants.
4. Partners
As usual, we collaborate with our key partners to jointly organize the researcher conferences. Partners provide technical and financial support and they have room to present reports or papers from their end. For this time, main partners for this event include : National Bank of Rwanda, UNDP, IFPRI, UNECA, CCOAIB and FES.
5. Agenda
6. Contacts
For more information, contact us through : info@eprnrwanda.org or ed@eprnrwanda.org OR Phone number (office) : +250788357648. You may also visit our website : www.eprnrwanda.org.
Done at Kigali, March 10th, 2023